About Womens Lacrosse
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The Positions:
Field players may pass, catch or run with the ball in their crosses. A player may gain possession of the ball by dislodging it from an opponent’s crosse with a check. A check is a controlled tap with a crosse on an opponent’s crosse in an attempt to knock the ball free. The player must be one step in front of her opponent in order to check. No player may reach across an opponent’s body to check the handle of a crosse when she is even with or behind that opponent. A player may not protect the ball in her crosse by cradling so close to her body or face so as to make a legal, safe check impossible for the opponent.
All legal checks must be directed away from a seven-inch sphere or “bubble” around the head of the player. No player is allowed to touch the ball with her hands except the goalkeeper when she is within the goal circle. A change of possession may occur if a player gains a distinct advantage by playing the ball off her body.
When a whistle blows, all players must stop in place. When a ball is ruled out of play, the player closest to the ball gets possession when play is resumed. Loss of possession may occur if a player deliberately runs or throws the ball out of play.
Rough checks, and contact to the body with the crosse or body, are not allowed.
The Game:
Women’s lacrosse is a non-contact game played by 12 players: a goalkeeper, five attackers and six defenders. The object of the game is to shoot the ball into the opponent’s goal. The team scoring the most goals wins.
To Start:
Women’s lacrosse begins with a draw. The ball is placed between two horizontally held crosses (sticks) at the center of the field. At the sound of the whistle, the ball is flung into the air as the crosses are pulled up and away.
Length of Game:
- Collegiate Game - 60min in two 30min halves
- High School Game - 50min in two 25min halves